New Project: Custom Backlit Canvas with LED's - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists

So I want to do this project, a first for me, which basically would be making a framed panel cut to the size of my painting’s canvas (40″x60″) and then installing LED strip lights to the interior behind the canvas and plywood backing panel.

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I am a noobie to woodworking and electrical stuff, however this isn’t exactly a rocket science project and I feel like it will be a good opportunity to exercise a few basic principles.

ANY help or input or even links to anyone that has done a similar project would be greatly appreciated!!!

I already bought a 5 meter long strip of warm LED lights, a power supply, and a dimmer off of amazon (all for just under $35 via amazon prime).

I plan to use a 1/4″ thick piece of hardwood plywood (4’x8′ for about $25 at homedepot) as my backing panel.

Then frame that out with pieces of stud wood that is 3″ thick.

So the total profile would be about 3.25″ - the canvas to be used has a 1.5″ profile, therefore the total profile would be just under 5″

I will drill a circle in the back of the panel to allow wiring and access to the dimmer box adjuster, paint the interior a quick coat of white. Then smooth and sand down the rough edges of the exterior frame then paint up, I am thinking a semi-gloss or gloss black.

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Where I think I could use the most input:

My main brainstorming is about how I should really frame the stud beams (how they should join) on the panel… I am not a wood worker so I am going to be researching this.

Also how I should mount the actual canvas to this “light fixture” and also what should be built into the back of the panel to make installing it to a wall fairly easy.

Finally I will need to figure out how strong the lights are gonna be (but the dimmer should help in this regard) but if they should be baffled at all or diffused or something behind the canvas… also if my canvas with it’s own built in support beams will cause a lot of shadowing - have been wondering if I am going to need to modify it.

Soooooooooooooooo pardon my thinking out loud, I guess it kind of helps me… I think you will see in the pictures how the window sunlight doesn’t really make much shadow with the canvas beams, mostly the shades just impose a shadow on it a bit… anyhow - just have a look at maybe in the next week or two I can show you guys more than just preliminary planning and part lists.

Here it is with no backlighting, sorry for the shoddy photography…


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Here it is with it in the window with sunlight coming through to it (which is what inspired this plan one day I put it up there)


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When I get this completed it should be cool to be able to have the option of viewing it backlit and normally lit - I think the images are quite different in nature so that is fun

Thanks for reading or quickly browsing

Follow For More: Edgar M Downs


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